Nearly half of the children in the United States will witness the end of their parent’s marriage by the time they reach age eighteen. In some cases, divorce is the only solution to the marital problems a person has. If you are going through a divorce, one of your top concerns needs to be keeping your child safe and emotionally secure during this difficult.
The holiday season is just around the corner, which means your child will have to adjust to the reality of spending this joyous time of year in two different homes. The following are some things you can do to make the holiday season easier for you and your children.
Going through a divorce is hard enough without adding children into the mix. Ironing out the details of a child custody agreement can be a very emotional process. Once this agreement is in place, there may be parts of it that don’t sit well with you or your former spouse. For instance, if you are not able to spend the bulk of the holiday season with your children, you may lash out at those around you.
Often times, child custody agreements evenly divide time on holidays between the parents. However, this may mean that you don’t get as much time this year with your children. Being argumentative or using your children as leverage to settle a score is a horrible idea. This is why you need to accept your new reality and realize that next year will be better.
The first holiday season after a divorce can be exceptionally difficult for your children. This is why you need to focus on taking their minds off of all of the new changes that are coming their way. Filling their days off of school with fun holiday-activities is a great way to accomplish this goal.
Establishing new holiday traditions is also imperative when trying to ease your child’s mind. Asking them for suggestions regarding the type of new traditions they want to adopt is beneficial. This will make them feel like they are part of this process and that they have control over what goes on during the holidays.
Not only is the first holiday season after a divorce tough for your children, but it can also take an emotional toll on you. Instead of spending time by yourself depressed during the holiday seasons, you need to rely on friends and family members for support. Filling your holiday season with this type of support can help you greatly. If you are happier during this time of year, your children will follow your lead.
Do you need help filing for divorce or getting a fair child custody agreement? If so, it is time to contact Hedtke Law Group to schedule a consultation.